Jul 31, 2019 | DISC, Learning, Performance Management, Training
10 Things Successful People Do Every Day Have you ever wondered if there is a secret formula for being successful? Why is it that some people seem to have a Midas touch while others struggle to get by? American historian, best-selling author and keynote...
Feb 21, 2018 | DISC, Leadership, Performance Management
The #1 Unavoidable Leadership Fundamental How to Cultivate Self Discipline for Leaders Okay so it’s that time of year again. We are about to be bombarded with ads about gym memberships, diet plans, glorious pictures of beautiful people who never miss a run,...
Nov 15, 2017 | DISC, Leadership, Performance Management
Understanding and Evaluating Others Did you ever have one of those teachers who just got you? The one who seemed to see you at your very best, and always said exactly what you needed to hear to motivate you? I did. I still remember to this day what he said to me when...
Oct 25, 2017 | Leadership, Motivation, Performance Management
‘Supermothers’ lift 1 ton Renault Clio off trapped schoolboy Employee Coaching and Development This UK News story made headlines when two women saved a schoolboy’s life by helping to lift a 1.1 ton car off his body. Donna McNamee and Abigail Siccolo...
Oct 9, 2017 | Human Resources, Leadership, Performance Management, Recruitment & Selection
Personal Accountability is the key ingredient Being a leader is a noble calling. At the Complete Leader we understand that everyone is a leader in some way. We have many roles and in each of those roles, we are essentially a leader, somebody is watching us, listening...