Dynamic Communications for Distributed Teams 5-Step Programme


This 5-Step Programme was designed to meet the needs of teams who regularly collaborate in an office or work situation but who are now working in a distributed way.

This course is of benefit to teams at any time, but even more so now, as they face new challenges working from home and in isolation.

The programme answers four key questions for teams to work effectively in a distributed model:


  1. Who am I? What is my behavioural and motivational profile? How do I like to communicate and work and not? What are my strengths and what value do I bring to the team?
  2. Who are They? Can I understand my colleagues behavioural and motivational profiles, how they like to communicate and work and not, their strengths and the value they bring to the team?
  3. Who are We as a Team? How do our profiles mesh? How can we leverage our individual and combined strengths? How can we communicate more effectively? What might get in the way?
  4. How can we Work Remotely? How do we recognise the difference in a distributed working model, how that can cause stress and other problems and how can we manage that through self-paced coaching?

Programme Description

This 5-Step Programme for teams uses TTI Success Insights Science of Self Tools to facilitate team members in understanding the dynamics of their team and provide information on how to support individual team members while working in a distributed way.


Course Objectives

To enhance team performance while working in a distributed way, by using a common language of understanding, allowing members to leverage their diversity, play to their individual and collective strengths and improve team communication and cohesiveness.


Learning Outcomes for participants


  • Gain insight into their own and their colleagues’ profiles and the “makeup of the team”.
  • Have a better understanding of the value they and their colleagues bring to the team.
  • Learn how to communicate and work effectively with a range of “Styles”.
    Come up with effective coping strategies for working in a distributed way.
  • Learn how to support their team members when working in a distributed way.

    Get in touch…

    Fill in the form below and we’ll be in touch to discuss this course and see if it is right for you.

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